Imcadr.conf Manual


imcadr.conf - Imcadr configuration files


User configuration file
System-wide configuration file


Imcadr obtains configuration data from the following sources in the following order (earlier has higher precedence):

  1. Command line options
  2. User configuration file
  3. System-wide configuration file
  4. Built-in defaults

A configuration file consists of directives specified as key-value pairs. A key-value pair is specified on a line as an alphanumeric identifier, followed by an equal sign, followed by a value.

The backslash character (“\”) is a special escape character. To use a backslash in a value, it must be escaped itself; that is, it must be preceded by a backslash. For example, to produce the value red\blue (the words “red” and “blue” separated by a backslash), the backlash would need to be escaped like this: red\\blue.

The backslash character can also be used for line continuation. A line can be continued by placing a backslash at the end of the line. This escapes the line terminator sequence. Leading whitespace on the following line will be removed, and the rest of the line will be treated as part of the previous line.

The hash character (“#”) is used as a comment character, and any line beginning with the comment character is ignored. Note that the comment character only works on its own line; it may not be used on the same line as a key-value pair.

The possible directives and their meanings are as follows:

The file containing the SSH identity to use for logging into a computer cluster node via SSH for scoring. The value must be an absolute path. The variable $user can be used in the path. $user is the username of the user running imcadr. The default value is unset, which means internal cluster scoring will be used (i.e., a cluster consisting of just one node, the computer on which imcadr is running, and the scoring will be executed directly, not with SSH).
The hosts that make up the scoring computer cluster. The value is a comma-separated list of <hostname>:<job-capacity> pairs where <hostname> is the hostname or IP address literal of the node, and <job-capacity> is an integer greater than 0 indicating the maximum number of jobs that the node can execute concurrently. The hostname localhost indicates the host on which imcadr is running and for which scoring will execute directly, not with SSH.

To maintain backward compatibility, two variations are permitted. First, :<job-capacity> may be omitted for a node, in which case it defaults to 1, unless MaxNumScoreJobs is set, in which case it defaults to MaxNumScoreJobs. Second, the ClusterNodes value may be empty, in which case it will be treated as if unset.

The default value is localhost:<available-processors> where <available-processors> is the number of computer processors available to imcadr (determined by querying the operating system). This means the default is to use internal cluster scoring (i.e., a cluster consisting of just one node, the computer on which imcadr is running, with a job capacity matching the number of computer processors available to imcadr).

The arguments to pass to the dtranker program when executed to score an image with the d*TREK package. The arguments are interpreted according to the word parsing rules of the Unix Bourne shell. Variables are of the form $varname or ${varname}. Two variables must appear in the arguments: $image and $more. $image represents the path to the image to score, and $more represents where imcadr should add arguments to the arguments list if it needs to. $image may appear anywhere, but $more must appear in its own word. The default is “image=$image $more”.
The arguments to pass to the distl.signal_strength program when executed to score an image with the LABELIT package. The arguments are interpreted according to the word parsing rules of the Unix Bourne shell. Variables are of the form $varname or ${varname}. Two variables must appear in the arguments: $image and $more. $image represents the path to the image to score, and $more represents where imcadr should add arguments to the arguments list if it needs to. $image may appear anywhere, but $more must appear in its own word. The default is “$image $more”.
Deprecated. This directive is deprecated. Instead, specify the job capacity of each node in ClusterNodes.

Sets the default job capacity for nodes in ClusterNodes which do not specify a job capacity. The value must be an integer greater than 0. The default is unset.


To specify a scoring computer cluster key file and the nodes in the cluster, the first node being the computer on which imcadr is running, each node capable of executing as many as 4 jobs concurrently, except for “vader” and “yoda” which can execute 8 concurrently:

ClusterKeyFile = /etc/opt/imcadr/id_cluster
ClusterNodes = localhost:4, vader:8, luke:4, yoda:8, leia:4, han:4