J. Lewis Muir
Welcome. I can be contacted at [email protected]. More information
about me is available here.
- Aaproc: Software for automatically
auto-processing X-ray crystallography datasets
- Adxvctl: Adxv Control desktop application
- Ami-186: AMI 186 Liquid Level Controller
EPICS driver
- Ami-286: AMI 286 Multi-Channel Liquid Level
Controller EPICS driver
- Amy: Math library using standard asyn interfaces
as API
- Autobp: Automatic beam positioner
- Beampad: Beam position adjuster
- Cmad: CamURaMan areaDetector driver
- DliEpcr: DLI Ethernet Power Controller
EPICS driver
- Exphi: Software for synchronizing an exposure
with a rotation axis
- Exposync: Software for synchronizing an
exposure with an axis
- Imca-shipment-tool: Tool for
reading and writing IMCA-CAT SynchWeb shipment CSV files
- Imcabc: IMCA-CAT beamline control desktop
- Imcadr: IMCA-CAT diffraction centering
- Imcalib: C library of useful capabilities
for EPICS software
- Jaccordion: Java Swing
- Jcbf: Java CBF library
- Libera-photon: Instrumentation
Technologies Libera Photon EPICS extension driver
- Minibeam: EPICS control interface for
GM/CA-CAT mini-beam apparatus
- Mx-daq-tools: Tools related to
macromolecular crystallography data acquisition
- Oxford-cryojet: Oxford Instruments
Cryojet EPICS driver
- Oxford-ic-plus-quad: Oxford
Danfysik 4 channel IC PLUS Electronics module EPICS driver
- Oxford-ilm201: Oxford Instruments
Cryojet Autofill EPICS driver
- Pfeiffer-tpg-256-a: Pfeiffer
Vacuum TPG 256 A MaxiGauge™ EPICS driver
- Pollingwatchservice: Java library
providing a file system watch service that polls for changes
- Prgm: Java library providing a framework for
implementing a computer program in Java
- Procrun: Java library for running an OS
process and obtaining its exit status and output
- Pycatools: Python library for EPICS CA
using only EPICS Base CA tools
- RegScanPosGen: EPICS application to
enable scans with a variable step size
- Roentec-xflash: RÖNTEC XFlash
EPICS driver
- Schott-lls: SCHOTT LLS EPICS driver
- Tpmac-motor: Tpmac axis/drive/motor to
EPICS motor record adapter
- Websensor-em01b: Esensors Websensor
EM01B EPICS driver
- Xia-pfcu-4: XIA PFCU-4 EPICS driver